Monday, September 25, 2006

Wagons West!

Tuesday is going to be a day filled with getting tons of work done, but Wednesday Matt and I will head west to Denver. We have lots of stuff beyond GABF planned so updates should come mid next week when I get a chance to reflect, move into my new apartment, and get everything uploaded. I can only promise lots of pictures; more than last year. Hopefully following the beer trail nothing bad will happen. I'm only bringing a few sets of clothes and I don't want to trade with that Indian guide unless I really have to. I'm looking forward to some time off, good beers, and scenic country side.

If you happen to not understand the premise of this post at all, check out a fond memory from my child hood. The Oregon trail on an AppleII just like in gradeschool.


Anonymous said...

Can't Wait til see you all out there and drink some great bears

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! After many bouts of Cholera and Typhoid we finally made it. I love that old Apple II and DOS emulation stuff. (Plus Matt owns the General Store!)

Anonymous said...

Ha! I used to enjoy playing this game during computer glass in grade school.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness used to play this game at school thought id be the only sad one looking for it ha ha i thought it was amazing it made history lessons exciteing.